Sunday, December 14, 2008

A friend's wedding, pt. 2 - Wedding dinner

[Continuing where I left off last instalment...]

Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, carpool only left about 6 something. Picked the diva up again, obstacle in the way being the warung set up where the market was this morning. Oy vey. But we were there for the (watered down) pre-dinner mocktails at 7 p.m.

For some funny reason we were all not feeling 100% - I had this fog in my head (headache precursor), Vicky was having a headache, uncle was starting to feel under the weather... Yee Ping was unfortunate enough to get a ticket for using the cellphone behind the wheel while trying to find my place. I feel so bad. And she was getting hit on by the policeman that was giving her the ticket. What a creep.

As their mutual friends from college, we were allocated two tables (that were not exactly next to each other, I have to say). I could more or less tell that a lot of thought and consideration went to the seating... which is a good thing, I guess.

The chocolate that came in the box for the guests...

Oklah, didn't wait too long until the grand opening presentation of the first dish (which was about 8 something, I reckon as I didn't have a watch on my person and I can't be arsed to fish the phone out of the clutch so much), which was grander than usual: there were guys dressed as Roman soldiers (or gladiators, my head can't think straight now) and all that.

The food was pretty standard Chinese wedding dinner fare lah, albeit halal and booze-free as there were Muslims in attendance. There were some surprises in some of the dishes. I didn't stuff myself silly or anything like that as I wasn't terribly bored at this one. Everyone may be tired by the end of the night, but at least they're sober, haha. I know I was.

Some time during the night the groom surprised the bride by getting on stage to serenade her. Earlier in the evening, every table was given a sunflower (our table got two, for some reason) to be handed to the bride when he's singing his second song (The Temptations' My Girl, methinks). Fortunately there were volunteers at our table who were willing to bring their flowers to the stage to hand it to her as I can't be arsed to, haha...

We finally left the hotel at about 11 something. Parking was only RM5 after self validating the ticket (the stamp and ink pad was near the box where people were supposed to drop their angpows, haha). It also rained some going to and fro - that thing about lucky rain on your wedding day obviously doesn't apply to the concrete tropics.

Long story short, they made the wedding dinner their own with these little touches.

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