Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mogwai in KL

[For some stupid reason, I seem to end up leaving the office later than I intended AND it has to rain heavily, whenever I have something planned. MCH - maybe this law of attraction thing might have something].

Anyway, got home about 7 something and stayed long enough to get driving directions from Dad and to shower, change and pack some stuff before driving. Also just my luck that I had to pump petrol when I was out too, so I stopped at the gas station where I bought a Dunkin Donuts sarnie and a drink for dinner (which I finished in the car en route cos traffic was that bad).

By the time I had the car parked, the concert had already started because I could hear them from the parking lot downstairs (RM7 flat rate after 7 p.m.). Also took the long way round because the lift wasn't going anywhere (either I was a little frazzled because I was so late or they disabled them otherwise it would've gone directly up to the concert). At least on the upside, there was no line outside when I got to Hall 5 :P

Only thing I have to describe the concert is LOUD. Which doesn't really work in a small area like half a convention hall. I was afraid my ears would bleed. It wouldn't be a problem if it was at a stadium, but it was inside the Convention Centre. Wish I had brought ear plugs.

But it was good - they played a straight 90 minute set (like the organisers said they would on the Facebook event page) plus another 10 - 20 minute encore, which included (I believe) the first single, Batcat, off their latest album, The Hawk is Howling. Quite frankly I couldn't name the songs played off the top of my head, but I recognised some of them from previous listens of the albums. It's hard recognising songs with little or no lyrics. (I'm a casual fan, not über fan) I honestly wanted to see them when I saw a poster of their 2006 gig while still in Singapore a couple of years ago, but to go back there so soon after the Coldplay gig wasn't possible owing to the fact that I was still unemployed at the time.

Less than 15 minutes after the encore, there was an announcement about a 45 minute autograph session upstairs where the line was in the other half of the hall (which I had noticed earlier). Thankfully I was in the first few batches of people and didn't have to wait too long. There was a foreigner behind me in line who asked if I had a pen or marker cos he wanted them to sign the back of his orange coloured Sony Ericsson phone (which I admit, is not a bad idea). By the time we got upstairs, I saw that the band members have markers and reassured him that they have their own and he doesn't need to worry.

I didn't take too many photos (that's the only downside of being both unphotogenic and going there solo), so don't ask. But I did get my ticket stub and "wrist band" (it's only long paper strip with some double-sided tape on one end) signed by them, which is more than I could expect from a concert. I was gonna say something about me being a noob to their music, but that might come out sounding like a total faux pas, so I didn't. One of the guys sounded really surprised that we speak English - dude, you're in the nation's capital, of course most people speak English (to a degree) here. To avoid sounding too snarky, I decided to shut up.

My signed stuff - woo!
Sesat me paid parking on the wrong floor, which turned out to be a happy coincidence cos when I got out of the lift on the right floor there was a line waiting to pay their parking.

Logistically this was the best concert I've been to - I left soon after and was home by 11 something.
Here's the setlist for the night (as found here)...
I'm now waiting for the videos to appear on YouTube - which are definitely, infinitely better than anything I would've taken (my arms would hate me - the songs are too long for me to take videos of).

The only disappointment is that I didn't see any merchandise for sale :(

Mogwai Setlist KLCC Hall 5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2009

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