Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 21, 2011

  • Weather this week in general: Hot like heck during the day, rain in the evening. Yeesh.
  • Tuesday was Vesak - which didn't stop some people from taking Monday off for an extended weekend.
  • Saw that movie Gamer on a movie channel. Good thing I didn't pay to watch it when it came out, much as I ♥ Gerard Butler (haha)... :P
  • Saturday was rapture day. Nothing in the news channels about anyone getting raptured or horrendous earthquakes.
  • Made two trips to the non-halal bakery Tong Kee in DU this week. Chinaman "pizza" (dough covered in sauce and cheese and tomato slices) still way better than ones found most places slathered in chilli sauce and mayo. Also just found out that they're famous for their egg tarts. Oh.
  • Finally used the facial deal that I bought from Mydeal Sunday. Wasn't terribly impressed. Oh well.

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