Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 22, 2011

  • In case you've not noticed, the publicised rapture didn't happen. Waiting for 21 October.
  • If you've been playing Angry Birds on your Nokia phone, there's going to be an official Guinness World Record attempt for most people playing in a Mobile Phone Game Relay (whatever that means) at Low Yat Plaza on June 11. Join now if you're interested, you can check out details and sign up here.
  • Gahmen want to bring back RM20 note. Was too young to remember it ever existed.
  • Checked out the Malaysian International Gift and Premium show in KLCC. Nice stuff, but since I'm just there to kaypoh and it IS a trade show, I didn't get anything.
  • Saw Jenhan's solo show, Tall, Dark and Comedian at PJLA Friday night.
  • Finally tried The Last Polka's Salted Gula Melaka ice cream.
  • Tracked down eCo-cent$ at Taipan 2. Had some private laughs trying out winter coats that I'll never wear. Loads of winter wear there if anyone's looking. And stuff like kimonos and what not - not enough of Nipponophile to care.
  • Checked out the Big Bookshop clearance sale at Atria - everything going for half price - bought Russell Brand's Booky Wook 2 for RM9.95 (after 50% discount), and another book.

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