Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 52, 2012 / 2012 Roundup

    Down with a touch of the sniffles. What a way to end the year. Sigh. I'm on antihistamines at the moment. I'm hoping that it doesn't get worse. Here's the week's summary:
    • Got my Luxola order on Christmas eve - whee!
    • Actually went back to The Gardens on Christmas day for candy :P
    • Found out that IKEA's got their own name brand rechargable batteries (green instead of yellow) - RM68 for 8 batteries; 4 AA and 4 AAA batteries. Not sure if they actually work.
    • Was coerced again to drive down to JB for some meeting that was only 5 minutes long. Ish. Picked the sibling up and drove back. Met with Dad's classmate who hasn't seen me since I was a tot. I know.
    Here's what happened this year.... 
    • Spent the better part of January and February under the weather - that much I remembered.
    • Got the sibling's car in an accident (not my fault) in February. 
    • Loss of wallet and iPod nano (not at the same time) :(
    • Saw both The Cranberries and Sigur Ros!! Whee!!
    • Didn't really mind missing out on Russell Peters. However, did manage to catch Maz Jobrani, who's about as close to the NPR show "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!" as I'm ever gonna get.
    • Most popular post of the year? My less than stellar Zalora experience. 
    • Won some stuff - can't complain.
    • Finally bought my TomTom device. Still haven't gotten round to getting Stephen Fry TomTom voice.
    • Travelled to the East Coast (after 20 years), Manila (great place to stock up on American junk food), and Singapore twice.
    • Got to check out Universal Studios Singapore in October. Not likely to go back anytime soon. 
    • Bought more tee shirts than it was necessary; I don't think I need to shop for CNY.
    • ONE friend wedding this year - yay!
    • More car trouble than I care to recall: between shitty wiring and crappy battery... oy vey.
    • Having to reformat the laptop. Could be way worse.
    • Saw some great live stage shows this year.
    Anyway, that was my 2012 and happy new year :)

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