Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Roundup

Health-wise, better than last year. Other than that, not much to write home about.
  • Saw Mew and Franz Ferdinand this year - whee!
  • Did NOT get to see Ke$ha, no thanks to the farts at PUSPAL.
  • Cat finally spayed, her last litter of kittens also erm, died (I think).
  • Finally had the hammam experience (at a discount, natch) after hearing about it for years. 
  • After years of sleeping on the 'rents hand-me-down mattress, I finally bought a new one for myself. 
  • Renewed both passport and driver's license this year. At least I don't have to think about them until 2018 and 2019 respectively.
  • Cousin finally tied the knot this year in Sydney, so I had to represent the Malaysian side of her extended family at the nuptials and took in some of the sights while I was there. Perhaps I should stick to the one wedding a year quota; not just for my sanity, but also my wallet :P
  • Found the pair of glasses I thought I lost weeks after I got a new pair made. Ish. 
  • Slate featured a question I posted on Quora, specifically the top answer from a guy in the hotel industry.

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