Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 12, 2014

Been raining some this week, which I can't complain about. But still hazy and too hot outside otherwise. Between all that and the water rationing system (2 days with, 2 days without) and being forced to wake up earlier than usual to shower before the water supply got cut off at 9 a.m., am very, very the sleep deprived.
  • No weekend lie-in: No water (again) this weekend, was forced up earlier on Saturday to shower and having to wake up at some gawdforsaken hour for cheng beng on Sunday morning. Oy vey. 
  • Got free water from Uber KL during their "Water on Demand" promotion on Friday. After a few error messages on the app, apparently I was the first person for this promo. 
  • First warehouse sale that's walking distance from me, haha. 
  • Never understood when people complain about UI changes, especially about Facebook on Facebook. I personally don't mind.
Urgh, the sleep deprivation headache's set in, looks like I'm gonna have a go at turning in now.

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