Sunday, January 1, 2017

(ACTUAL) Week 52, 2016 - Happy New Year...

Been messing up the week numbers for years now, but also can't be arsed to correct it all, so here's a second one. 

Short work week, which makes it hard to get any work done because other people are on leave, which makes you wish you could take leave too... 😒
  • Both Carrie Fisher and her mum passed within days of each other. 
  • Finally checked out the Familymart in Midvalley. All I can say is: I'm never getting the coffee again. 
  • Also finally got to go to LuLu Hypermarket downtown. 
  • I am SO ANGRY at Maybank right now: Maybank system crapped out on Saturday afternoon, and two transactions I tried to make via debit card went through when I ended up paying cash in the end. Tried to call Maybank and because I called too late (their "daily maintenance" is from midnight to 6 a.m.), I was told to call again after 6 a.m. so that they can check my transactions over the phone. Knowing my dumb luck, by the time I remember to call them again, I probably won't be able to get through because the lines are engaged (cos people are also now getting around to changing their debit cards, etc). What the fuck is the point of being Malaysia's No. 1 bank (by market share, not by popular vote, so it's like the Donald Trump of Malaysian banking IMO) if the transaction systems can't seem to cope?! 
  • Selangor finally instituted a total plastic bag ban: it's not just Saturdays anymore, but every day of the week... unless it's wet stuff, etc. Doesn't affect me that much, I have at least a reusable bag on me most of the time and most of the things I buy I can stuff into my bag. Also, if you have a stash of those reusable bags people give out for free, now's the time to use them.
  • Thankfully I didn't see the usual bunch of aunties when I went to Midvalley too early on Saturday morning to exchange an empty serum bottle for a new one :P
I feel like I need a flower bath. Does anyone else?

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