Saturday, March 17, 2018


I know Gamarjobat have swung by to perform in Malaysia a few times over the years, but I haven't been because I'm just not a huge fan of physical comedy. The only reason I bought a ticket was because there was an Enrich members' discount that I couldn't pass up. 

That was yesterday and apparently it's the same day as the PDRM Night Run and roads were closed for it. I wasn't sure how much of my usual route would be closed or rerouted so I took public transport down. 

I know I've been past WOWKL! a lot in the past, but have never been there specifically. It apparently used to be Saloma Bistro back in the day. 

Yup, right place
By the time I got there it was already past 8. I also couldn't remember where I sat as I bought the ticket so long ago, so lucky there were ushers. A kid (who kinda looked like a friend's kid) had her bag on my aisle seat and was audibly disappointed when I showed up after all. All I said was "too bad", laughed on the inside and I parked my butt. Luckily her parents were good sports; we all looked about the same generation anyway...? 

It was a good thing I was early too; those guys made fun of ALL the latecomers. I don't know how many of the fellow attendees had never seen the show before, but I know it's at least me and the kids. (It slipped my mind that the act would appeal to kids). 

A lot went on for 90 minutes, so if you've seen the show before, you would know what I mean. All I can say is: that Ketch! guy (ya, had to look them up on Wikipedia to find out they had stage names; go figure) is stronger than he looks for him to be able to carry HIRO-PON around like the latter was a mannequin. It's mostly a lot of visual, puerile gags that wouldn't be out of place in like, say, Tom & Jerry cartoons. Some of the more adult gags probably went over the kids heads and were for the adults accompanying them. Of course I laughed some, I'm not a complete monster. 

I don't hate it, but I don't know if I would watch it again. 

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