Thursday, May 3, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War (Spoiler-y)

Going into this movie, I admit I've only seen (at most) 15 of the 18 movies that have been out over the last decade; I didn't really bother with the first two Thor movies and the third Iron Man movie. 
  • I guess that was the end of Idris Elba's MCU contract. I suppose it's convenient that Thor's Stormbreaker can also do the Bifrost thing, since Heimdall's finished (haha). No idea if Hiddleston's MCU contract is up. 
  • You don't need to be a MCU fanboy to know that Vision wasn't going to survive this one. But Paul Bettany acted his way through all that makeup and the most he's been on screen since Age of Ultron, haha. 
  • I laughed so hard when Peter Dinklage's character first appeared on screen. And when Okoye said she wished there was a Starbucks in Wakanda. And when Spider-man also didn't believe Strange was Strange's actual name. And when Thor keeps referring to Rocket as a rabbit. 
  • Whoda thought Red Skull survived....? Also, with all that makeup, they could've put anyone in there and it didn't have to be Hugo Weaving either. 
  • If you ever wondered why Mantis was in this movie at all.... 
  • I've said this once, and I'll say it again: Thor is an idiot. But an idiot who happens to speak Groot? Whodathunk?
  • That is one hell of a sunburn,, Odinson.
  • Seriously, how did Strange managed to see all 14-something million outcomes lah
  • At least now M'Baku got his wish to be king of Wakanda?
  • If Strange and Spider-Man had met under different circumstances, they would've either been great friends or frenemies, cos Strange is not one to step away from his pop culture references too. 
  • I guess Steve and Tony definitely need to kiss and make up now. 
  • This article kinda addresses the plotholes. I was like "oh yahor" when I read it... 
TBH, the space stuff kinda bored me, I was ready for a pee break in the first 10 minutes. But in a two-parter with this many characters, all you had to do was wait a bit until it changes to another set of characters. I hope the pay off is worth it, since we'll have to see Ant-Man and The Wasp and also the Captain Marvel movie before the second half of this comes out next year.

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