Friday, May 11, 2018

Margaret Cho - Fresh off the Bloat Tour

Back to HGH Convention Centre for Margaret Cho's KL stop on her Fresh off the Bloat Tour. Even though I only finally got there after 8 p.m., I still got parking on another school compound. (The usual one was full; I'm guessing people decided to be early because it's a public holiday and also, traffic was pretty good). So I don't know what time all those people who had to park along the road got there. 

I've been to this venue so many times by now to know to eat before I come cos the food truck options aren't the most exciting. The bag search was perfunctory. KL's gayest came to show their support. I even spotted Bernie Chan and Tony Eusoff in the crowd. It looked like a full house. 

Show finally started at 9 p.m. (which is late, even by KL standards), but not before a inpromptu playing of the national anthem (if you're not standing, you're busy livestreaming it in some way, shape or form). Rocco Stowe came on stage as her opening act and did 15 minutes. 

Margaret took the stage and did almost 90 minutes. Her impressions of her mother always cracks me up. But I can't help but feel like I have already heard some of this stuff some where else...? Still ok, nonetheless. 

Show ended before 11 p.m. and miraculously made it home in record time; barring even the slight crawl near the UMNO HQ on my route home. 

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