Fighting what feels like a touch of flu this past week - the antihistamines have been working so far, and paracetamol seems to be working for the bodily aches and pains portion. So have been taking it slowly whenever I can. I also really hope I don't get PND.
- Holiday drinks are finally out at your major coffee chains. Had my first (and perhaps only) peppermint mocha this year.
- MTV EMAs was this week. Finally put names and faces to the songs I've been hearing on the radio for a while now, haha #oldliao
- Internet went nuts after they found out Keanu Reeves is no longer single. I'm like, good for him, but still.
- Apparently some Malay bridal boutique thought it was a good idea to do a photoshoot in a Christian cemetery, which pissed off a lot of people online. I'm not mad, but I would say it's a bit tasteless lah.
- Radiohead's merch store drops another "available this weekend only" design - the classic crying minotaur in black and azure, mens and womens t shirts and also in hoodie form.
- No wonder Seth Meyers hasn't been telling the audience his personal family stories on his own show lately; he's got a Netflix comedy special out.
- Queer Eye's mini season (4 episodes) in Japan finally came out, but without subtitles and not being subscribed to Netflix.. okay, never mind, torrents got subtitles, haha.
- A lot of 11.11 promos and deals popping up in the days leading up to the date (which is on Monday).
- After so many years, they're finally going to remove the stupid 10% surcharge (in phases) on TnG usage in parking lots. Convenience fee, my ass. Just to fuck with them, I rather deal with paper tickets.
- Apparently they want to reboot/revive the shows Kung Fu and Frasier. Erm, okay?
- Am kinda excited about the rumoured Revenge spinoff, provided that it's centred around Gabriel Mann's character Nolan Ross. (Which was hinted at in the finale all those years ago)
- My dad won a RM50 Petronas gift card from a Maybank Raya campaign contest that I joined on his behalf that he wasn't aware of, haha.
- They're finally putting the kibosh (or "indefinite hiatus") on the Star Wars franchise after The Rise of Skywalker because Disney finally realised that no one really wants that many Star Wars movies in a year (Marvel's already pushing their luck too). My guess is they got the hint after both Rogue One and Solo didn't do so great? I mean, I know I'm already sien by all the Star Wars hype.
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