Saturday, January 8, 2022

The King's Man

I was curious (but not that excited) when they announced the Kingsman PREQUEL, but never ruled out not watching it as well, so here it is. Saw it on a Wednesday and found a screening that's not after 9 p.m. 

  • I think this is the most action I've seen Djimon Honsou do in these kind of movies in awhile...?
  • Nice to see the guys do the fight choreography? I always enjoy the fight choreography in these movies. Am I the only one?
  • I didn't know it was one guy playing three characters LOL
  • At least they squeezed a take on "Oxfords, not brogues" with "We're Oxfords, not rogues" 
  • At least they used actual historical figures in this - Rasputin, Mata Hari... 
  • I hope Polly isn't there as Conrad's nanny cos the kid is kinda old to have a nanny around...? 
  • All the things you see Oxford do in the third act makes sense as to why the training (and dress code) in the first Kingsman movie was like that. 
  • I laughed so hard every time the POTUS order a Statesmen whiskey *wink wink*
  • It took me awhile to figure out that it was Stanley Tucci playing the US Ambassador. I won't be the only one who's gonna be confused AF if Mark Strong and Stanley Tucci are to be in the same movie at the same time. 
I dunno if there's another franchise opportunity in this (I hope not, but I've been wrong before *coughJohnWickcough*), but I suppose a Statesmen version wouldn't be the worst idea ever? 

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