Another local comic in a long line of local comics who's mounting their hour long specials this year (I've lost count at this point, there's been so many), post pandemic.
Bought a ticket kinda late (like, day before) because the attendance on the Peatix event page wasn't exactly "menggalakkan" - fewer than 17 people. And I did wonder if the event was gonna be cancelled.
Not that anyone's wondering, the title's a play on that movie with Michelle Yeoh, "Everything Everywhere All At Once".
I bought a ticket because I had only seen him only a handful of times before.
So I got there at around 8 something (despite the 8 p.m. start time), figuring that I won't be the only tardy one. The show started around 9.15 p.m. because there was waiting on people who probably didn't turn up in the end or whatever, but by then, fatigue had set in, my butt was kinda stiff from the mildly uncomfortable banquet chairs, and my bladder was filling up way too quickly because I thought it would be a good idea to wear shorts and I found out first hand how cold the room was. I should also say that about 97% of those present are his IRL friends and (maybe) family. I legit think it was me and the 2 rando guys also somewhere behind.
Keren was hosting and Riezman was the opener.
Guess I'll never find out his actual planned hour, because he didn't want to do it in front of his IRL friends or whatever. He might've done some of it, but I'll never know. Dude was already tipsy and whatever when he found out that the audience was mostly his friends and not quite the roomful of strangers.
It was okay, I suppose, but he probably should've done the show and material he had planned to do, regardless of who was in the audience. At least for the few randos in the audience that he's not friends with.
By the time the show was over, I flew out of there just cos my bladder cannot already. Just glad I didn't wet myself even though I hit every red light on the way home.
NB.: If you're buying a ticket to a show you have no intention of going to just to "show support", at least give the ticket to someone else la.
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