Sixteen years ago, five young gentlemen took the road less taken (as well as very much less approved by their Asian parents) to become Kuala Lumpur’s best up and coming stand-up comedians. Sixteen years later, they are still up, still coming and still on top of their game.
Got a ticket to the Friday night show. Got to the second home a little early to (mostly) redeem a free scoop of ice cream from Baskin-Robbins and kill a little time before making my way back to PJPAC.
Chi Ho's set was mostly about his time on Maharaja Lawak Mega and his kids.
Kavin kicked his set off with the keto diet bit (still funny) before going a little political (election season all).
Rizal's set was mostly about living with the fallout from the incident that shut the Crackhouse down. He also had a joke that he apparently can't perform anywhere any more (court ordered), but never said other people can't do it, so it was damn amusing that Kavin came out on stage (again) just to recite said joke (which I've heard plenty of times over the years) and fucked off again.
The last time I saw Andrew Netto perform (which was some years ago now, even taking the pandemic into account), dude still had hair on his scalp (now he just looks like he could be Keren Bala Devan's older brother from another mother). There was some pandemic material, some political material, but still funny.
Jenhan went last, and also the most casually dressed (the other guys were in 2 piece suits, Kavin was doing 3) in just sweater and jeans (?). His set was mostly about his first ever day job as a Creative Director in an ad firm, which is not bad for one's first job job. (We're not all so fortunate). There's Slack material for those of you that know what that is. I figured that his colleagues was in attendance when you can hear specific laughter somewhere in the audience (which was pretty much confirmed by some IG posts afterwards) when he mentioned them in his set. Because it was his first job job, he also had some material about language in corporate communication, which a lot of people could relate to. If nothing else, I now know what OOH is.
For a show that started at 9.15 p.m. (thereabouts), and with each dude doing about 20 minutes (or something), they ended the show with a fun Q&A session (with audience submitted questions in a hat) which probably also lasted about 20 minutes (I kinda lost track of time at this point, but it was probably past 11 p.m., all said and done?).
- When I bought the ticket, I was told by the box office that Andrew Netto and Rizal would be on different nights or something, so I didn't think Rizal was gonna be on both nights, but I'm not complaining.
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