Sunday, April 16, 2023

Week 15, 2023

Last shopping weekend before Raya next weekend. 

Mostly been watching a lot of old episodes of Cook's Country (also by America's Test Kitchen, so a lot of the same people on both shows) served to me by YouTube algorithm. 
  • Didn't know Rupert Jee and Hello Deli was still operating (they haven't been on TV since Letterman left) until this week, with news that Rupert wants to retire and wants to sell the business.
  • The young lady who hit a bunch of teens on a quiet highway in the middle of the night finally (?) off the hook after what seemed like years. The only reason why this is in the news is politics...and the parents of said kids buay song.
  • News about the "upcoming" (more like already here) heatwave is really the understatement of the year - my sweaty underboob could've told you that. 
  • In an effort to not be like steamed pau at home (and drive up the power bill), have spent weekend afternoons in malls because, can. Lucky to have found (free) street parking outside Pyramid on Saturday (I was worried as to whether MPSJ charges parking on Saturdays, but the TnG and Setel parking say no) and in the second home this afternoon. 
  • Renewed passport this week. Online renewal was okay, but some aspects is still kinda FUBAR - I probably could've gone a few days earlier to collect passport since it was approved the Monday after I renewed on Friday. 

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