Saturday, June 22, 2024

Don't Bring Your Kids by Hindra Bose

Bought a ticket after I had missed the early bird promo. Oh wells. Shut up and paid anyway. 

Won't lie, it's always kinda exciting (as the occasional audience member/attendee) to attend a comic's first mounted hour. 

Got there, saw a few local comics around... one was on a date night cos they brought their spouse with them. 

Show started closer to 9.30 p.m. with Riezman as the opening act doing 10 - 15 minutes (?!) Some classic bits and some new stuff I hadn't already heard. No complaints. 

Hindra came on and did at least his hour of material, old and new (to me). I always gotta give the guy props cos he was in cainis school longer (both primary AND secondary) than me and some of the people I knew, which is not an easy feat. But he used the extra language skills to great effect in his set, never mind that he would have spend more time translating it for everyone... but not the Tamil (boo). Him overhearing 2 dudes discussing the sex they just had in Mandarin and how he ended the bit was damn hilarious - I was one of the few people already laughing their head off just hearing the Chinese parts before the translation.

Ok, my only complaint was how sibeh hot it was inside. I had the portable fan on for most of the show cos it was stuffy inside with so many people. And the place was all set up with cameras and mics. So if the whirring sound got picked up by the mics.... #sorrynotsorry  

It was a fun show, otherwise. I just flew off afters cos it was already past 11 p.m. and I also needed to go home to pee and take one last shower before bed. 

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