Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Are the Chinese trying to poison the rest of us?

First, it's the toys with traces of lead in the paint.

Then it's the melamine tainted milk. So everywhere in the world, they are doing product recalls of dairy products like (for example) chocolate, milk powder and White Rabbit candy (which I never liked anyway, so thank goodness for that).

Now they say that there's dangerous levels of melamine in other stuff like containers, fruits and vegetables. WTF man.

Like that, Wal-Mart should just close shop already because most of their inventory consists of products they contract out to China and who knows what kind of chemicals have been added to them somewhere along the supply chain. (Anyone seen that episode of House where the guy was dying from wearing poisonous jeans?)


Anyway, if anyone's hankering for chocolate, I say Hershey's should be pretty safe so far as there's nothing about them yet.... I'm just saying.

I say it's the Chinese government's way of population control with the planet because of the overcrowding and the declining health of Mother Earth. *Sorry, channelling Al Gore now*

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