Saturday, October 4, 2008

Latte at 8

Latte at 8 is back again after a spell (word was it got banned or cancelled because of what Jason Lo's said about the administration): same host (Jason Lo), same venue (the Starbucks at Sunway Pyramid), same lame funny jokes...

In case you don't know what the show is about, it's basically a late night talk show not unlike Jay or Letterman or the rest. The format is about the same as the American ones: first half hour's for monologues and what not, the second half hour is for guest interviews and the musical guest.

As far as his monologues go, they're not THAT bad lah. But I think he definitely toned down the material from way back when. And yes, he still pokes fun at himself and his size.

All that aside, I'm glad that it's on a decent enough timeslot (Fridays at 11 p.m.), instead of the horrendous midweek, very late slot that it previously had.

As it IS a local late night talk show, the guests are mostly local personalities who come on to plug their various projects and endeavours. He once had the runner up Malaysian astronaut (Dr Faiz) and infamous local blogger Kenny Sia (I suspect they got no one else to book more than anything else).

[I've embedded the videos but I'm not sure if they would work outside of Malaysia... ]

What's different this season is that there's a DJ (Nas-T, who is also an actor in a local series) on the show which serves as Jason's "Paul Schaffer" who responds by turntable. [I can't be the only one who is a little upset that there's no more Drummer Boy, but he's gone off to be with his band Estranged] and then there's this new segment that I absolutely cannot stand: that idiot character Thunder Chow, ah beng weatherman and his so-called weather report segment. I cannot tahan the ah beng-ness.

I had thought about going to a taping one of these days, but since I avoid cameras like nobody's business and I can't find anyone to go with AND malas, so... liddat lar. Besides, staying home is cheaper : P

All that doesn't stop me from tuning in week to week.

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