Saturday, November 22, 2008

No Yoga for Malaysian Muslims

Didn't know until I saw the piece on the BBC News site here. As long as it's not from TMZ, I say it's pretty credible.

I can't believe this piece of news is out. I got the stinking feeling E! or The Daily 10 might pick this story up - they picked up the stories of the Avril/Beyonce/Gwen Stefani concert disasters in KL, I wouldn't be THAT surprised. (Though I can't confirm because I haven't been able to watch either E! News nor The Daily 10 because my mother insists on watching reruns of The Nanny on the Hallmark Channel - oy).

I can't say much as I'm not a yoga practitioner, but that's got to suck - just because the National Fatwa Council thinks that yoga "could corrupt Muslims" because of its Indian roots. WTF. Well okay, it may not be legally binding, but still... A bit mad, right? I got nothing else to say already.

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