Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's the Deal with Movie Trailers?

I don't know what's the big deal about movie trailers. Seriously.

People discuss at great length about the
teaser trailer and the many trailers for a movie that's not gonna be out for many moons more like they've already seen the damn movie. I know it's just a way for the movie studios to titillate the audiences, to build excitement for the product. A marketing tool.

I just think that it's a waste of time (and bandwidth, if you're on a cap). I like to watch the whole movie in its entirety without having seen the best bits in the trailers (come on, you know that much is true).

I don't seek out trailers; I usually watch them where they're supposed to be shown: in the cinema while waiting to watch another movie I paid money to see, or on TV, with the 30 second spots.

I miss Don LaFontaine already.

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