Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Free Monday

Spent the morning watching the "live" (using the word loosely) broadcast of the Grammys on Astro, as I was waiting to watch Coldplay and Radiohead perform (not together, obviously). Probably shouldn't be furiously reloading the #grammys Twitter stream at the same time cos it got a bit overwhelming after a while.
  • Bit weird to see M.I.A on stage with the see through outfit with polka dots covering her bits and to find out later that she was supposed to be due that day (pregnant, mah).
  • Bit odd that Ms Gwynnie, wife of Chris Martin, introduced Radiohead before they went on. If you know the story, you would think so, too.
  • Radiohead. 15 Step. Marching band. Rendered 60% of the band useless as there was only Thom and Johnny on stage while Phil, Ed and Colin were no where on stage.
  • Too bad Radiohead didn't win Album of the Year, after the hoo-ha that In Rainbows might not qualify because it wasn't released through a major label. But they did win Alternative Music Album of the Year and for Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package...
  • The late, great George Carlin won Best Comedy Album from his last special, It's Bad For Ya. Too bad for Kathy Griffin.
After lunch and Ellen, I drove over to 1U for my free facial appointment and was there about 3 something in the afternoon. Big mistake - took me half an hour to find parking in the old wing, and I just found out that they added another parking level, but there are only stairs from the former roof level to the one above.

Waited about 20 minutes for my appointment because the Clinique counter was understaffed and the person doing the facials had to man the fort and there was another person inside the treatment room (which one usually wouldn't notice if you didn't know of it) at the time. Didn't really stick around afters.

Collected a couple of free samples while I was there, so it wasn't a total bust.

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