Sunday, March 15, 2009

My uber long Saturday

Morning: Killed a couple of hours at the MPH warehouse sale in Plaza Mayang (formerly house of Limkokwing campus before they moved to Cyberjaya), and damn, it was STUFFY - there was NO airconditioning, and the fans they had on didn't feel like it was on full speed.

No air conditioning + Many sweaty bodies x not-that-cheap books + uber long lines = miserable experience.

I'm surprised that I've not heard of anyone passing out yet, it was that bad (even for a warehouse sale).

If fyee wasn't there with me, I probably would've just chucked the books and left. But I came away with 3 books and a "toy" for myself - David Sedaris's When You Are Engulfed in Flames, The Bartender's Standard Manual, and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot.

Afternoon: Lunch with fyee at Mosin, picked Mum up (who went downtown this morning and had taken the train back and killed time at the warehouse sale) and drove home. I was home no longer than half an hour before Mum wanted to go to Pyramid to exchange the empty bottles of Olay Total Effects for the Nivea Oxygen Power day and night creams (that's how WE recycle in our household - we do these exchanges like no one's business) as they still have the stock (she called ahead). Drove us both there with this headache from the heat and stufiness in the morning, also got a couple of things done before coming home again. Missed an episode of Leno that I really wanted to watch and I went out again around 5 something...

Evening: Drove to Midvalley for dinner of sorts. Of sorts because I had a beef pie before I left home and I was still feeling full from that. Also got a couple of things done before spending 5 hours in Chillis eating mostly the bottomless totsada chips (salsa dip's really good) and drinks, chatting and catching up.

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