Sunday, March 8, 2009

TV I've Been Watching Lately - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon finally started this week. Conan made a final appearance on Jimmy's Late Night in the pre-show with a bit in the dressing room, where he's seen packing up his stuff. I wonder if we'll ever get the new Tonight Show on Astro, or Jay's new show? Hmm.

The opening montage and the set is SNL-esque; I keep thinking that I was watching SNL even though I know I wasn't. Though I could swear that the guy doing the running and being in the cab is NOT Mr. Fallon.

I also cannot believe that he got The Roots for a house band - how'd that happen? (My guess is that they need a steadier gig)

I've only seen the first three episodes so far, they're not too bad for a first week
. Lots of greats guests, but the guy would have to improve on the actual talk part of the talk show. Have to agree that the first episode was painful to watch: from the monologue, all the way to the interview with De Niro. The Lick It for Ten segment in the first episode was stupid: I felt bad for the guy that went first because he had to lick a lawn mower - he must've been damn tu lan when he saw the other people had to lick a printer/scanner and a bowl of goldfish, respectively. I had to agree with the person (can't remember where I read it or heard it) that said they should just lick the $10 note (eww).

As one of the younger guys in the American late night talk show circuit who is something of a geek, I heard that there's gonna some focus on video games and have game developers and other geeks on the show. Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht of the Diggnation podcast are supposed to be on the show next week, which would be a crossover of sorts - the Internet and the television. If he could get Morgan Webb on at some point, it wouldn't be too bad and more people would be watching X-Play.

The man also has one of the biggest widescreen TVs I've ever seen in my life - a 108" Sharp monitor. MCH. A 9' wide TV!!

Let's see how it goes.

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