Saturday, March 7, 2009

Office asshole-ry

You know how stuff in an office tend to "disappear" if you don't tag it as yours or have them tied down to your desk? You tend to be possessive of the stuff you use at work because, a) they work, and b) imagine trying to get a replacement from the people in charge of the office supplies.

Being in asshole-ville (A friend uses stupidville to refer to her workplace, this is mine), it's not only the cow-orkers that nick my stuff, but also the Man Who Signs Paycheques, the latter I can't complain about too much because he IS the Man Who Signs The Paycheques. But that's just the small stuff.

Mugs are not that different: most people have one that they brought with them, an "office" mug.

That was the set up. Here's what happened to me yesterday morning in asshole-ville.

I was looking for my (recently purchased, half priced and PRETTY) ceramic Starbucks mug in the pantry for my mug of water and it wasn't where I had last left it the day before. Having gone through most of the drawers in the pantry a couple of times (to make sure I didn't just miss it in the first sweep, you know), I had to ask the colleague who would've seen where it went. She told me one of the others took it.

It took me all of five seconds to find the asshole who was drinking OUT OF MY MUG. Short of exploding in his face and throwing the contents (soy bean milk) on him, AND scream threats on him, here's how it went:

Me: That's my mug

Asshole: Hmm?


Asshole: *feigns blurness*
Asked him why the fuck was he using my mug (minus the f-bomb) and he said that another colleague poured it out for him. (I'm guessing she was sharing the soy bean milk with him cos it was too much for her).

Too angry and pissed to anything else to that, I snatched it off his desk, took it back to the pantry and cleaned it. Poured away what soy bean milk was in the mug, then I washed it with dishwashing liquid a couple of times, sterilised it with hot water a couple of times before I filled it up with the cold boiled water that I wanted to drink in the first place and I cursed and swore at them both under my breath about it for a good 5-10 minutes before cooling down.

*This is what I would've screamed at both him AND the girl who gave him the drink, done ala Christian Bale if management was around*

You stupid idiots!!! There are ten thousand fucking mugs in the fucking pantry and you had to use mine?! What the fuck were you thinking?!!! That stupid fat cow also another one - of all the mugs she could've use to pour out the damn drink, she had to use my mug ah? You stupid, fucking assholes!!

Now you tell me if I over under-reacted. Personally, I think I did well by not getting into a fit right there and then and just club them both with the aforementioned mug (it's that tough and it WAS half priced, so...). And the only other person I told this to thinks I'm not overreacting for sanitary and sentimental reasons.

I'm pissed just remembering it all now. Now I'm so pissed I want to inflict pain on them both.

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