Was already a little late due to the public transportation, only to wait a little longer for Tun Dr. M, who couldn't make it due to "unforeseen circumstances". The groans of disappointment was audible, to say the least. The only good thing that came out of it was bringing forward the first panel of the day. The day ended later than scheduled for some reason.
Only managed to stay awake during the first panel of the day (Business Blogs - Social Media as the Most Powerful Online Marketing and Public Relations Tool: Blogging your own Trumpet!) because I was busy taking pictures of the slides instead of writing like a madwoman... ain't technology great? The second panel of the day (The Laws of Social Media – Ethics, Etiquettes and Legality – What did we learn from Wikileaks ?) turned out a little dull because the panel refuse to get too much into Wikileaks and Ops Malaysia (??), which were the only things everyone was curious about.
Lunch was also slightly better, but can't say the same for the caramel flan they served for dessert - it wasn't that smooth :P
The panels after lunch were unexpectedly more interesting than I expected (Press and the Social Media – Borderless Freedom of Speech, Are We There Yet? : The 7th Sense! and Using Social Media On the Political Campaign Trail: Blogs for the Ballot). I haven't been to these kind of events for awhile, but I thought the point of the panel DISCUSSION was having the panel sit in a row and discuss the topic at hand, and not really do a (at least) 10 minute presentation to the crowd. The last panel finally felt like a PROPER panel discussion to me. Talk about saving the best for last.
Of course, as it was with these things, the lucky draw for two iPhones didn't happen until after the end of the last panel. I left as soon as I found out that I didn't win either one.
For a stand-in, this guy was hilarious and entertaining. Good on you, sir. |
All in all, I thought it was just okay: the second day was slightly better than the first. I definitely took some stuff away from this, both literally and metaphorically speaking. The stuff I took metaphorically I would try to implement in my own blogging.
PS. Most of the pictures I took were presentation slides, so I won't bore anyone with those.
PS. Most of the pictures I took were presentation slides, so I won't bore anyone with those.
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