Best Father's Day weekend around - no father around for the weekend :P It's so peaceful and quiet around here.
- Spent two days this week in PWTC for the blogger summit. It was okay lah.
- Drove Dad to Kelana to get his passport renewed.
- Finally checked out the second Sephora store in KLCC. Definitely way convenient than the Bukit Bintang store.
- Got my 12 oz Caribou Coffee mug from Korea - yay!
- Dad's gone to Kalimantan for the weekend - it was a nice quiet weekend while it lasted. Sigh.
- Local bookmooch transaction - only spent RM1 postage to send my copy of Yasmin Ahmad's Films to Shah Alam.
- Checked out Art For Grabs + KL Alternative Bookfest at Annexe Gallery. Didn't get anything.
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