Sunday, May 5, 2013

13th General Election

My entire immediate family's polling station was at my old primary school, which is not too far off. The sibling had cycled there a little earlier before the rest of us. Wasn't terribly semangat to wake up to get there before 8 a.m., but was there with the 'rents before 10 a.m. (Being a light sleeper DOES suck in times like these - was awakened by birds chirping so loud I thought maybe they were in the room, in some hidden nest). Left after a light breakfast. 

Wasn't dumb enough to park right outside the school, but parked along one of the nearby parks and walked. Got the serial number from the checking station outside before stepping unto the grounds. Suspected that the different voting channels were sorted by age: Saluran 1 was for the 60 and above (the old bean), Saluran 2 (Mum) and 3 was for the middle-aged (35 to 60?) set, and Saluran 4 (mine) was for the under-35 (?). Helpful copper there pointed me to the exact block I'm supposed to be at. 

Then I saw the line. WHAT THE FUCK - Right down the block, around the toilets and up the next block. Quickly got in line. One of my former primary school classmates and their siblings got in line behind me. The sibling was in line way ahead of me had been there since 9 a.m. I had a ways to go. Also saw some other classmates too, but I wasn't in the mood to talk. The cop standing guard was also nice enough to get chairs from the empty classroom next door for people to sit. It was surprisingly quiet even with the small children present. 

The coconut water stall outside the school was making a killing. Stupid me didn't think to bring anything more than myself and IC, thinking that it would not take so long. I honestly have no idea what took so long, but I suspect it's because it's the first clerk (that checks the register and calls out the name and IC number for the rest to cross out on their copy).

Well okay, it was probably almost three hours (but definitely more than two) later, I got it done. Even told the clerk the serial number (from earlier) just to get it moving. I was the last one to get done and the 'rents waited because I had the car keys. Haha.

Suffered from a heat and dehydration headache afters, which I slept off with Panadol. I only had time and energy to drive to my waxing appointment (brought forward an hour cos they wanted to close early) with less than half an hour's notice in the pouring rain. Made it there quickly, and managed to tarpau from nearby Nadeje with little fuss. (Not a lot of cars on the road). 

What was everyone else's story? I want to know.

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