Friday, May 17, 2013

Passport Renewal at Kompleks KDN

So much for renewing the old passport in PJ: I drove my butt down to the swanky Immigration office in Kompleks KDN off Jalan Duta (which used to be at PBD) yesterday morning. It really was not too far from Publika. 

Lucked out and found (FREE) parking on the grounds pretty quickly, not too far from the building entrance. Got directed to the first floor by the ladies at the front desk.

Swanky foyer

In case you didn't know where to go. But they didn't have these from the escalator, so...

Here we go.
Found the passport application department quickly enough and quickly got myself a number.
One number counter open
Sat down and waited for my number. There were about 8 application counters open, so the numbers were rolling pretty quickly. It wasn't too long before my number was called. Handed over the old passport, IC and two copies of the white mug shot. Once she checked my address (and other stuff) and thumbprints verified, she gave me the other portion of the wait number and told to wait for my number to be called to pay. The wait to pay took longer as only two payment counters were open at the time. I think most people pay the RM300 so that they would only have to deal with it after 5 years instead of 2 with the RM100 passport.

Collection side
Counters for certain groups of people (pregnant ladies, mothers with young children, elderly...)

I give the ladies behind those counters props for what they have to deal with since things have to be done manually until who knows when (all this since the election - coincidence?). So much for passport in one hour, pbft - have to go back to collect on Monday.

Plus: Free on-site parking, adequate seats for people (if you so want to), decent air conditioning.
Con: No free WiFi.

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