Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Lone Ranger

I have no idea why Disney thought a Lone Ranger movie in 2013 is such a good idea, but what the heck, (as usual) there wasn't much else that I want to watch at the moment. I don't even remember how I came across The Lone Ranger as a child. Luckily it was only 15 minutes of ads and trailers.
  • I have no idea why they wrote Armie Hammer as such a wuss/klutz in this one. But it's supposed to be an origin story, so... I got nothing.
  • The guy playing the older brother reminds me of Danny Masterson, even though it's not him.
  • Never thought I would see a flash forward device used in a Western-themed movie.
  • There was no way he could've DIED from a bullet to the left shoulder - just saying.
  • Johnny Depp as Tonto - freaking hilarious
  • Johnny Depp with the horse - also freaking hilarious 
  • The horse - even though he never said a peep - was freaking hilarious
  • Recognised some of the Native American actors from the Twilight movies... I think.
  • Are the cannibalistic bunnies an homage to Monty Python? 
  • First movie with both Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter sans Tim Burton.
  • If Tonto's practically a raisin as he was telling the kid the story, what happened to "kemosabe"?
  • Besides old Tonto walking across the desert during the credits, you're not missing much.
If you were hoping to see/hear the usual Lone Ranger tropes (William Tell Overture aka the theme tune, "Hi Ho Silver", etc), you had to wait until the third act. 2.5 hours was a bit long, and that was me feeling a little under the weather with a dry cough (I coughed during the loud scenes and I had a mask on).

Despite a couple of (implied) gory scenes, it IS a Disney movie after all and it was still laugh out loud hilarious. It's practically a land lubbers Pirates of the Caribbean, with Johnny Depp playing another version of the Capt Jack Sparrow character. 

It's been critically panned and considered a US domestic box office flop, but don't let that stop you from watching this. It's a fun movie to watch.

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