Friday, July 26, 2013

The Wolverine

Got a pair of free tickets to Groupon Malaysia's screening of The Wolverine, which happened the night of release day in Malaysia (Thursday) at Cathay Cineplex at e@curve. 

Despite getting there shortly before 8 p.m., we got pretty good seats towards the back (one of the couple seats). Hard to miss the counter :P Anyhow, also got a couple coupons for popcorn and drink set (to be collected at 9 p.m.), and a Groupon (duh) for Lecka Lecka, the latter I'm saving for another time when I'm not coughing a lung out.

It's set right after the last X-Men movie (no, not First Class - that other one). Yeah, I had to look up to recall what happened because it was that long ago, back in 2006!
  • Had wondered how much time did Famke Janssen spent filming her bits in a nightie. Luckily you can look that up on IMDb. 
  • Anyone else thought, "Am I watching Wolverine, or am I watching Les Mis?" when you first see him with the long hair and beard? I know I did.
  • They filmed most of this in Australia? Blow me impressed. 
  • The bullet train battle was impressive, but a little hard to watch.
  • The last battle was really hard to watch.
  • I thought the guy playing the ninja ex-boyfriend looked familiar - he was the first bad guy/CI (Sang Min) caught in current incarnation of Hawaii Five-0, minus the stupid accent and cheesy facial hair. Also didn't know he's of Korean descent.
  • Glad that I didn't watch this in 3D :P
Story was just okay, but it could stand to be a little shorter :P

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