Monday, October 19, 2015

Valiram Family and Friends sale

Dropped by the Valiram Family and Friends sale that was at the Westin KL over the weekend. 

Gave myself a couple hours tops as I expect to be in and out pretty quickly, so parked at Cosway and managed to catch the GOKL bus because I didn't feel like walking too much. 

There was a line going in, but mostly for them to secure the handbags going in. At least the people who didn't have big bags didn't just jump the line and waltzed in like I might've. 

The F&B brands like Godiva and TWG teas are the first thing you see as you enter. The Godiva products there like biscuits, truffles and hot cocoa powder were only 40% off. I caved and got myself a canister of the dark chocolate cocoa because it's not like I would ever pay full price for it (RM119 is damn mahal okay). 

The most crowded area was where they were selling the Kate Spade stuff. Thankfully I didn't find anything I wanted there, and quickly joined the increasingly long line to pay. I was making small talk with the Indian uncle behind me, who was carrying his (Chinese) wife's shopping haul (which included several Michael Kors bags. Don't get me started on Michael Kors.) and was okay paying for it all because it was her birthday, on sale, etc. I heard from another lady in line that yesterday was worst, that it was almost out the sale entrance. 

I also helped myself to the cold, fruit infused water that they've got in the lobby before I headed over to Lot 10's Hutong for lunch. 

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