Sunday, August 4, 2019

Week 31, 2019

Apparently it's Hungry Ghost season...? (I never know these things cos I don't have a calendar with the Chinese one printed on it)

  • Saw the movie ANNA on Monday. 
  • Tuesday was a (kinda) last minute holiday (new Agong coronation) announced by the gahmen a few weeks ago, but some companies are in the news for refusing to comply even though it's under a paragraph in the holiday section of the Employment Act that a holiday like this had to be observed. 
  • Gahmen reminded us of the upcoming departure levy by enforcing it come 1 Sept, right after AirAsia said they were gonna stop charging processing fee (for using cards other than BigPay, i.e. Master or Visa cards). Coincidence, I think not. I call BS. (In fairness, other countries also impose a depature fee as well, but I don't know where these funds will go to, so..)
  • Took Sephora SEA long enough to admit that they got hacked and are telling people to change their passwords. So instead of people using "password1", they're just gonna change it to "password123"? Maybe?
  • Sold a few items off my Carousell listings this week, despite my being inactive on there for awhile now. Yay.
  • Costa Coffee is finally opening physical stores in Malaysia, starting with the Klang Valley. Yay? But also, all the stores they've announced so far are still kinda far - the closest is either Pyramid or BSC. 

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