Sunday, September 11, 2022

Week 37, 2022

Because it's school holidays this past week, traffic is only slightly better, but the destinations at the end of  makes you wonder if it was even worth it cos they be crowded like heck.
  • As of this week, masks are optional indoors, but it's still up to premise owners if they want people to wear them in their space, so same difference? It's still required on public transport, hospitals, etc, which is understandable. 
  • Saw Three Thousand Years of Longing on Saturday
  • So the Queen finally left this mortal plane and Charles is finally King Charles III. But coronation is still some time away, and definitely not before the funeral. 
  • Because it's D23 week, there's been lots of announcements on upcoming movies and shows in the Disney universe. 
  • I suppose paying RM130 to see a Coldplay live broadcast of their latest tour in a cineplex is still cheaper than going to see them in this day and age. Also, of all their albums to tour on, this one is like err...I guess? I'm only gonna be in it for some songs, not the whole set list la I think

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