Had been putting off buying a ticket to this for months because no money. I later received an email about ticket exchange (or refund) for another show that got cancelled that was gonna happen the week before. So okay, I let them know that I want a ticket for this show.
Before any one of you say, "why not take LRT?" It would take the same amount of time, if not longer (at best 10 minutes to drive to station, walk to the train platform, half hour ride, maybe another half hour to walk through the mall to the convention centre), and would have to walk back through the closed mall (or worse) and hope not to miss the last train back to PJ. At least I already know the best, closest place to park and there's no traffic so late at night when I leave.
Anyhow, show started.. I wanna say, almost 9 p.m.? (as I slowly bleed and hope not to stain the red seats in the room). Jason Leong (whom I forgot had posted about doing this show) did 10 minutes, a lot of which I've heard in some form or another. Then it was Jim Jefferies's usual opening acts (who were writers on his show), Forrest Shaw and JJ Whitehead, who also did 10 minutes each. Poor JJ was poking fun at people who were coming and going and also trying to sell his specials that were on USB cards??
After all that, Jim finally did almost 90 minute set. I admit, I haven't been listening to his podcast for the longest time, so let's just say a lot's happened - new wife, new baby, his mum's passed, still swears a lot on stage. Finding out what some swear words in ASL are was interesting.
By the time I got back it was past 11 p.m.
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