Sunday, September 24, 2023

Week 38, 2023

Between the crazy weather making my sleep erratic and other things, I've spent the last couple of weeks with this erm, URTI (for lack of a better diagnosis).
  • After all the flack they got, turns out Bill Maher and Drew Barrymore aren't gonna start their shows back up again?
  • American MasterChef season finale was also this week. Congrats to the winner, who I'll promptly forget by.... now, until they show up next season to introduce a challenge or whatever. 
  • Of course there's a movie about the GameStop saga. 
  • Speaking of the MasterChef franchise, rumour has it that Jamie Oliver is stepping in for Jock, which is just stupid if that was true, and I share that outrage with the rest of the fandom. While there hasn't been any official announcements yet, but I know for damn sure there's no way they're gonna let Mel and Andy do it on their own. 
  • I'm guessing N'SYNC finally ran out of money or something for them to er, finally reunite and drop a new song in many moons. 
  • Rolling Stone (magazine) cofounder getting a lot of shit for being a bigoted misogynist. Talk about OK Boomer moment in the public eye. 
  • Russell Brand is also getting Me Too-ed after years of rumours of him being a creep. Good lah.
  • Because it was Stephen Colbert's turn to host, Strike Force Five had Jon Stewart on. (Because they're BFFs who don't see each other that often). If anyone is listening to hear them talk about the alleged toxic work environment at The Tonight Show, I don't think that's happening. 
  • This Week in YouTube Rabbit Holes: series recaps of cartoon shows I remember watching as a kid, especially the 1990s-era Cartoon Network shows. Like, I didn't even know how all those shows ended, and I was like, really ah?!
  • Former Lisa de Inn near the Rothmans traffic junction (RIP roundabout) got a new name: Ukiyo. Erm, okay. Room pics on their website look nice, I guess, but why? 
  • Speaking of roundabouts, there's a viral post about roundabout rules that people don't seem to know how to navigate them? I swear, I feel like I'm getting gaslit about the etiquette.
  • How long are people gonna go "X (formerly known as Twitter)"? 

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