Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorta busy weekend

Friday night was spent at a yum cha session at Old Taste White Coffee (yes I realised it's a little too close to "Old Town", but whatever) in SS2 with people I've not seen in ages (and never met before). Had a little miscommunication with friend Ivan about the location (where I should've texted instead of called...) and as no one else knew the place existed (me too until a couple of months ago).... well, it got straightened out in the end.

The only funny items I noticed in the menu was (I think) the fruit flavoured white coffee (?!). But decided to just order the white coffee before I would ever consider the fruity ones. But as we were all there after dinner, no one ordered anything too heavy (I ordered a double roti kahwin that I shared with pik to go with the white coffee). Laughed a whole lot and we were pretty loud, so much so this other big group next to us was throwing dirty looks... we were there until closing time (got last call some more). Only got home about 1 something in the a.m..

Saturday afternoon was spent in Bangsar with fyee, with more bad weather (allegedly so because of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival).

Sunday afternoon went over to friend Liyana's for Raya (I know it's been 11 days since it started, but hey, raya sebulan mah...) with Pik (whose never been there before) and caught up for a little bit before leaving because, a) Mum needed the car for errands, and b) it was gonna rain (again).

At the moment I'm a little behind in my TV shows, but I will catch up.

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