Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So You Want to Collect Books as an Investment

As condensed from the latest Abebooks newsletter, for my knowledge.


  • First editions - they're the mainstay of book collecting, so always check the title page.
  • Signed copies - the author's signature boosts value. (How to get that lah, not like authors do world book tours also)
  • Hardcover - softcovers rarely become collectible. (NOW YOU TELL ME).
  • Good Condition - always affects value, everyone wants a mint condition book. (Hear, hear!)
  • Knowledge & passion - collect what you like and know (at worst you'll own books you adore)
A signed hardcover first edition in unread perfect condition is as good as it gets.

Key Factors in Collecting Books...
  • Small print runs - unless a publisher thinks they have the next Harry Potter, first edition print runs from unknown writers are small. Printing mistakes can also curtail first print runs.
  • Rave reviews - a glowing recommendation from the New York Times can put a book on the map. (That's every other book you see in the bookstore = P)
  • Awards - literary prizes boost prices overnight. Check out shortlists and pick the winner. (Ditto)
  • Movies - Hollywood can inflate prices but usually the book has already become collectible. (Ever noticed that the original edition's hard to find once a movie's been announced and all you see are the movie tie-in versions?)
  • Controversy - banned books, court cases, or Oprah's wrath create publicity and boost value.
  • Author R.I.P. - prices always increase after an author passes away. If the death is unexpected (such as David Foster Wallace or Hunter S Thompson), values rise very rapidly.
And of course, Father Time - be patient, take good care of your investments, and they will increase in value over time.

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