Friday, December 26, 2008

Another dumbass proposal you only hear in Malaysia

The latest proposal in the oh-so long list of dumbass proposals thrown to the gahmen: the Malaysian Film Producers Association wants to increase the ticket price of Hollywood movies to RM20 to help out the local film industry.

Three words come to mind: WTF.


This is the most unsporting proposal I've had the misfortune to hear of!! WHAT LAH!!

I already refuse to pay RM10 for a butchered Hollywood movie, much less the same price for a local movie called CICAKMAN!!! For fucks' sake, Cicakman is about a guy with lizard powers!! I'm not that sorry that I rather watch him on the big screen...

..than the skinny-ass Saiful Apek in a supposedly "lizard" costume (which I still can't stare at for too long as I may burn my eyes out and be traumatised)


I like this piece from the NST where they got feedback from some of the local directors, and here's some of it from Afdlin Shauki - I'm including the entire bit so I don't get accused of taking things out of context.
Director Afdlin Shauki said the number of Hollywood movies in local cinemas should be limited.

He said China only allowed 20 Hollywood movies to be shown annually.

"It means only the best movies from Hollywood are shown, which is good for movie-goers"
Later in the piece he did say the proposal might backfire, but you can read that for yourself.

I'm sorry, but what makes you think that we'll get the best Hollywood movies HERE IN MALAYSIA? All we get here are the predicted blockbusters and kiddy movies and the occasional arthouse movie.

I go through the awards season every year watching people give awards to movies that I've not even HEARD OF, much less shown here.

Moviegoing overseas may not be that cheap, but at least they're paying to watch an entire movie without any snips and nips. Sure it's relatively cheap here, but come on.

But to be fair, this is a country where full frontal armpit is haram and lesbian kisses in local movies are a huge no-no, so I get that local film makers have an interesting time coming up with concepts for movies that'll get approval from the various authorities and funding for said movies. Hence why we have movies called Cicakman (which unfortunately, did well enough for them to do a SEQUEL - urgh) and Antoo Fighter.

If they came up with more movies like say, oh.... SEPET; then justifiable lah. BUT with all this kind of movie ah... liddat I might as well just wait a few months and then they'll be on TV as Raya movies that I could then tune in and out of as my mum watches it.

For fuck's sake, throw this one out. Please.

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