Friday, December 12, 2008

My Day Off....

I guess I should mention that this morning one of the strays had a gash in its paw and it was bleeding all over the place - if outside wasn't bad enough, it came into the house and looked for my bro... who then had to clean the blood trail in the house before I woke up. Stuffed him (we all thought all this time that it was female, but oh well) in the cage and into the car and the boy took cat to see a vet after dropping me off at the train station. (I couldn't stand the plaintive meowing anymore, anyway)

As I already took the day off and thought might as well go to PC Fair as I can't tomorrow.
No major purchases, but took some "recyclables" (read: leaflets la) for the brother as he couldn't go today and it's nice to know the prices of stuff. Only spent RM20 on this gooey, sticky, Flubber-esque stuff (Cyber Clean) which is meant to pick up the dirt and grime in those places in your electronic devices that you can't quite get with conventional methods of compressed air or wipes. I'm SO bringing some to work next week.

Was out pretty quick and wandered some more before leaving about 3 something. Pretty early.

As I couldn't get a ride home, I took the cab home from the train station (which is not very far, but by the time I get back I'm too tired to walk home) and let the cab driver keep the change for driving me such a short distance. Before I could get into the shower, Dad called from China, ranting and raving about air tickets and not getting them where he was. Turns out (my fault) that he wanted to come home sooner and asked my brother to book the flight home for him, yada yada yada... it's a long story.

For dinner, my bro and I checked out the PKR/DAP free for all casual mixer event on one of the many playgrounds in the area (key word: free food). Fortunately we both managed in line for the buffet pretty early on, so ate and left not long after.

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