Monday, December 29, 2008

What else I've done this 5 day weekend - Car related shit and what not.

Stuff I couldn't stuff in anywhere else....
  • Door handle on the driver's side of Kelisa's stopped working - the door can't be opened from the outside anymore, like 10 Downing Street (my bro's words, not mine). Would happily get a third party replacement, but having a black or chrome handle on a silver car is NOT an option. Now have to remember to call Perodua to see if they still have parts for a car that's been out of production for a while now...
  • Fixed Jeep's wiring today - at least now the interior lights and power windows are working. (It didn't bother me before because I wasn't really using it before, but Dad does when he does his night paper run). Dad subsidised RM50 of the RM65 job. The motor on the front passenger window needs to be replaced; gave the shop the okay to ask for replacement, new or recon.
  • Drove to the Mecca of DIY Ah Beng car pimping - the Brothers megastore in Kelana Jaya - a couple of days ago to replace the windscreen wipers on the Jeep, which no one knows how to remove, some more change them. And no, I don't know when was the last time anyone's changed them. Because of the obscurity of the fastening mechanism (wipers come with CLIPS now, and now screws :P), I ended up with this pair of SILICONE wipers (which I'm told is the REALLY GOOD shit as far as wipers are concerned - have I mentioned it's the same stuff that fills breast implants?) with the universal clips which cost me RM36 EACH. Not a pair, EACH. Also paid one of the grease monkeys there an extra RM2 to change it for me.

    And I've not even changed the REAR wiper, so another trip there is probably needed before the year is out.
  • Might need to do come more cosmetic work on the Jeep soon-ish. Gah. Which reminds me, might also need to clean the interior, too - I mean, REALLY clean it. Oy.
  • Finally cracked open the box of Ghirardelli double chocolate brownie mix (which comes with a packet of its own frosting) that I bought some time ago as there were ants going wild on the packaging (but not in the contents, thankfully). I had already started mixing when I found that there were no more eggs in the house and there wasn't anything else prescribed online that I could substitute with - no applesauce, no egg replacement, nothing - so I decided to use condensed milk instead. Result was an eggless, dense brownie, crispy on the edges. No complaints as we're down to 2.5 slices left three days in.
  • The ruler of Negeri Sembilan died over the weekend - the new guy was sworn in today (the third day).
  • Legoland Malaysia in 2013, in Johore. Just because they couldn't get Disney or Universal Studios, haha. It's better than nothing, I guess.

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