Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kinohimitsu J'pan D'Tox Juice

Being at the point in my life where I know I should at least attempt to detox my system properly for ONCE or suffer the consequences, but also hating the pills, having to ingest large amounts of water, detox teas and juices (Master Cleanse, anyone?) and the radical change in diet.

I decided to take a chance and try a box of Kinohimitsu J'pan D'Tox Juice, the cranberry version (I'll take cranberries over prunes any day) at a fair going on in 1U when I was there yesterday. When I drank the tester, for some weird reason it kinda went straight up my nose and I started hacking. Maybe I wasn't used to the taste.

The other detox methods were also made available there (the pills, the mixtures, etc), but I didn't get the point of Acca Kappa setting up shop there for the duration: I mean, their specialties are their hair care products like combs and brushes, you know? Sorry, am digressing.

Cost me RM68.90 (promotion price, of course - you can't expect me to try anything at full price, right?) for a box of six 30ml bottles (seriously). The salesperson also threw in an extra bottle as a "free gift". Whoo pee.

From the website...

In just 6 days Kinohimitsu J'pan D'tox Juice leaves you feeling renew, refresh and revitalize!

Natural, Safe:

  • 100% natural, concntrated fruit juices
  • No additives - No sugar added, No preservatives, No artifical coloring/flavoring, No chemicals, No laxatives


  • Fast results within 2-4 hours, after intake
  • Smooth motion, without strenuous effort


  • A instant, functional drink ready for immediate consumption, for your enjoyment anytime, anywhere
  • A 6-Day Program that is ideal for those with busy, stressful lifestyle
  • No special control diet is needed.


  • No discomfort, unpleasant experiences during detox period such as extreme fatigue, headache, bad breathe or allergy reaction

Usage: Shake well before drinking. 1 bottle each time, preferably after food. Taste excellent when chilled.

Sugesstion: Best to have it 2-4 hours before planning for defecation.

First time Detox Users:
1 bottle a day, consecutively for 6 days.

To maintain vibrant health:
1-3 bottles per week, or as needed.

So far...

Had one after dinner yesterday, and it got me gassier than usual after a couple of hours, which makes me glad I started this on a weekend instead of during the week where I might let a few go at work. Felt a bit of a headache coming on, which might not mean anything cos it might be my caffeine tolerance kicking in... that didn't make sense, I know. Best I could describe it.

Will update as the days go on... heh.

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