Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 14, 2009

  1. Back still hurting like heck in the beginning of the week, though as of at the moment, it hasn't been hurting as much. I could bend over less painfully. However, am still keeping the chiropractor's number I got today handy just in case. Things like these (and the money) that keep me from travelling more often.

  2. Mostly home bound as my bro's been taking the car to get the dressing on his big toe changed at the clinic nearly every day after dinner. So the cabin fever's there...

  3. Finally cured cabin fever with a quick trip to Daiso at The Curve. Loving their storage options corner. Heard there's one in IOI Mall (one of those malls that's not worth the toll fare, to be honest). Bought some more (but smaller) ziplock bags (think I'm getting a kick out of bagging stuff up in ziplock bags...) and a pair of tongs. Wanted to get a chef's knife, but I didn't see anything I like at the moment.

  4. Streamyx is killing my patience... again. According to the announcement on the website, they're expecting "complete recovery of its services by 5 April 2009". BY. WTF.

  5. Gran's place in Megah got burgled late Thursday night. Didn't hear a lot of details, but I heard a couple of computers got taken. And no, the part time resident retiree uncle was not around at the time.

  6. Collected bag's trolley bag from the shop in Amcorp. Combination lock replacement: RM18. Not bad lah.

  7. PC Fair next weekend. Wondering if it's worth the trek. However, would not mind going to the mall either.

  8. If you're on the forums, there's a bulk order thread going for bacon salt (RM32 plus shipping), which I've heard of before, but never thought might get hands on. Put in an order for a bottle of the original, hope it's good. Am also considering this laptop table (Model A) but with PC Fair next weekend... I can't bring myself to put my order in right away.

  9. Almost forgot: we now have a sixth prime minister - Najib. Previous one resigned on 2 April. Great, another name to learn. I guess better than trying to read the names of Malaysian royalty. Surprised to hear Najib released some ISA detainees. No comment.

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