Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 3, 2014

Two public (and/or state, depending on your location) holidays this week - Maulidur Rasul and Thaipusam. You could have a five day weekend if you had Monday off (with the former on Tuesday), or just the usual three day weekend with Thaipusam on Friday. 
  • Wasted a third of the three day weekend hit by a dizzy spell.
  • Two different award shows on TV this week - Critics's Choice early Friday morning and the Screen Actor's Guild (SAG) early Sunday morning. Remembered to watch the former, brain-farted on the latter.
  • Anyone started on the CNY spring cleaning yet? Just the thought of dusting and hoovering my own room is pretty daunting and I'm not sure if I want to earnestly continue :P To be fair, I have my cleaning spurts the rest of the year so it's not THAT dusty. But rest of the family definitely thrown out a lot of stuff... 

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