Friday, July 11, 2014

Lucy Kirkwood's NSFW, Kakiseni Freespace, SStwo Mall

Checked out the local workshop production of the Lucy Kirkwood play, NSFW being staged for a short three night run at Kakiseni's Freespace in SStwo Mall. 
Carrie’s getting them out for the lads, Charlotte’s just grateful to have a job, Sam’s being asked to sell more than his body, and Aidan’s trying to keep Doghouse magazine from going under. Set in the cut-throat media world, Lucy Kirkwood’s timely new comedy exposes power games and privacy in the age of Photoshop.
Never having been to the particular space before, I didn't know what to expect. Deciding to go was pretty last minute. Kakiseni's Freespace is right above Hometown Hainan Coffee and only accessible by stairs.

By the time I got there, the doors were just opening and I just managed to get myself a ticket (minimum RM20 donation at the door). Frankly, I wasn't expecting it to be packed, but with a third of the audience in attendance being white people and some of the cast members being white, I forgot that perhaps it's their friends and/or family coming for moral support. Bumped into a former collegemate (who knew someone behind the scenes, I think) and was glad I wasn't more shabbily dressed (I was in t-shirt, shorts and slippers).

If one thought that KLPac's Pentas 2 was small, they would find Freespace @ Kakiseni to be borderline claustrophobic - it was three rows of seating and the stage was only a few feet away. It was full house.

The set is minimal and at least some of the cast were appropriately dressed for their parts. The production is so workshop that it was announced beforehand that someone had to drop out and only found a last minute replacement only a few days prior so the person didn't have time to off book the script and was referring to it on stage. Reminds me of when I saw Jo Kukathas's performance of Huzir Sulaiman's Election Day a decade ago.

The script was pretty rapid fire, which I wouldn't mind so much if it was clearly enunciated. Or perhaps it was just me. The guy playing the intern was cute. The show was pretty amusing for the most part. They say that an actual run might happen in 2015; if that's true and it actually happens then, I might actually go watch it. 

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