Sunday, February 28, 2016

Allcan Productions' "I HATE MY JOB #donttellmyboss"

Got myself a seat to (I think) the last performance of Allcan Productions' "I HATE MY JOB #donttellmyboss" which was at KLPAC's Indicine space, because I was tickled by both the name of the show and also by the premise. Ticketing was a bit unorthdox in that to get in, you have to call/text a specified number. Because I'm not one for calling, I texted. The ticket price was "pay as you like" with a RM1 (bare) minimum. 

Spot why else I would take a picture of this

For people to leave comments, etc. 

When you sign in, you get a ribbon sticker when your name gets written, a Post-It, and also an empty angpau packet for your donation after the show. 

I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't all cheena people that turned up for this, but it could also be friends and family of the cast too. Dato Faridah was also in attendance. 

I have to give props for the really unusual way to remind the audience are reminded to switch off their phones with the guy in the Chinese Opera makeup and dress - I thought the show already started until I heard the "please switch off your phone" bit :P 

What followed was several one-person plays about people who are unhappy in their vocations, performed in several different languages (Mandarin, English, Malay, Tamil, with subtitles). 

One of the first short one-person plays was about a Malay teacher in a Chinese school environment who was teaching his class (us, the audience) Chinese swear words, the last one being so long I lost track after the first two syllables. 

The second one was about an Indian dude working in the postal service, which was in Tamil. 

The rest were one about a lady working in call centre (English), an elderly security guard (Hokkien or Cantonese), and a tomboy mechanic (Mandarin). 

Dato Faridah keeps getting brought out on stage... 
The show ended with a weird contest where you vote (with the angpau packets/donation) which two cast members you want to see in a sexy walk off, and then the audience decides the winner by applause. It was between the Indian guy and the Malay chick. Guess who won (spoiler: wasn't the girl). The winner gave it all he got, I suppose. 

Overall, the show was hilarious. I wasn't mean enough to put in just RM1 in the angpau packet, if anyone was wondering.

PS. While it was free seating, but don't bum rush past Dato' Faridah, can? 

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