Sunday, September 25, 2022

Week 39, 2022

  • I found out recently that if your tax refund from LHDN is less than RM50, it doesn't get banked in unless you contact your tax office to ask for it personally. Luckily I didn't have to contact the actual file holding office (good luck calling anyone there directly) and only asked through the general customer service line.  
  • Took long enough for the show to finally take Mark Harmon off the opening credits for the new season. (Dude left pretty early on last season after basically conning the network into renewing the show) So congrats to everyone else on the main cast for moving up the ladder. 
  • Starbucks announced another merch warehouse sale for next week. It's gonna be chaos, I tell you. The so-called "members' preview" is kinda useless cos just about everyone who goes to Starbucks probably signed up for membership? But the kicker is payment using either Starbucks card or app on that preview day and the hour long time limit, which may or may not trip up some personal shoppers? Dunno la.
  • Finally went to check out REXKL on Sunday. NGL, it's too hot as balls la inside, especially after walking there from the LRT/MRT station. (Driving down and parking there is kinda nightmare-ish and didn't want to do that to myself)
  • So the Queen's funeral was on Monday.

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