Sunday, October 23, 2022

Black Adam

Because this is a over 2 hour long movie, I had to go the day time route and catch it in the second home GSC. I had decided on a screening time before going in, but decided with one which I would've been in time for (without having to sit through ads, etc), which turned out to be in one of the 270° panoramic rooms, which was useless in the end, which would explain why it was the same price as the 2D/regular version LOL 

At best, I had probably missed a few minutes of exposition (Hall 10 is quite a walk from the foyer downstairs la, can?), but there was still another 2 hours of movie to go. 

  • I had thought that the movie was set in the 1940s or something because the JSA seemed like proto-JL, but seeing Viola Davis's Amanda Waller and the blonde (that I know is NOT Julianne Hough, but let's be honest, bears a striking resemblance) and they can't be THAT OLD... maybe not?
  • Hawkman probably had millennia worth of passive income to afford such a nice estate for himself... which kinda reminds me of the Xavier estate in the X-Men movies? Just me?
  • Laughed way too hard at the Henry Winkler glorified cameo as the first Atom Smasher on video call. 
  • I dunno how often Dr Fate has to say he's "not that kind of doctor", but still made me chuckle at PhD humour. 
  • The only good thing about Dr Fate not making it out of this one is that at least Pierce Brosnan gets to do a comicbook movie in his lifetime once... unless they pull the multiverse angle in the DCEU and he comes back as Fate from another universe. 
  • I'm sure it didn't take Henry Cavill long to get back into the suit. 
  • Despite the PG-13 rating, there were parents who thought bringing in their under-7 kids to see this was a good idea. 

It was okay, I guess. 

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