Tuesday, November 29, 2022

When thumbprints are too messed up...

For as long as they've started enforcing biometric verification just about everywhere, the success rate for me (as in, getting it on the first or second try) has only been a handful of times over many years. I had been advised by many a bank employee about getting a letter from JPN about my thumbprints. 

So I finally got around to resolve that. 

Drove to the tiny JPN office in Kota Damansara after lunch. (By tiny, I mean shoplot). By the time I got there, it was already past 2 p.m. and there was a line outside (crowd control?). Got parking right away, which is always a plus.

(Yes I know the one in PJ New Town is closer, but last time I checked, on site parking for the hoi polloi is kinda limited there and I wasn't in the mood to burn petrol looking for parking across the road) 

The line outside the place is just so people don't bumrush that first counter we all go to for the queue number. Told the first lady that I needed a letter for my thumbprints and I got a special needs queue number (I was behind a lady who's probably registering a birth) and not with everyone else getting ICs or whatever. 

Less than 15 minutes later, it was finally my turn and I told a different lady that I needed a letter from them stating that my thumbprints are too fucked up for biometric verification. Turns out that letter is called a "chip content" letter which just prints out the info contained in the chip. For RM5 a letter, I would say that it's a good side hustle for them. They should make the letter wallet sized or something, or give people another card to carry? 

Probably took almost an hour, the bulk of that time was spent waiting. Is it RM5 well spent? We shall soon find out. 

NB. I had heard/read that they don't print the ICs here, which is why you can't get your ICs right away at this particular branch. My tip is you might as well go to a bigger branch unless you don't mind waiting for awhile for new IC. 

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