Monday, June 26, 2023

Week 25, 2023

  • The unkers not only sold out the first 4 nights during the presale (no general sale necessary), but also the 2 extra tacked on nights because of the mad demand, which I have to guess is about 60% people in nearby countries who couldn't get tickets to their local date(s) [like yours truly], and 40% actual Singaporeans and also clout chasers who are going just cos they can. Despite my bitching about the virtual queue (and the moving stick figure on the ticketing website), I'm still kinda glad that I can do it in front of the computer at work in Malaysia instead of having to line up (or worse, have other people line up for me) at a local post office in Singapore. Malaysian internet still boleh pakai, contrary to what a certain now-American comic said. 

    I managed to get tickets not just for me, but for the locals who I've been going to Coldplay concerts (in Singapore at least) with for years already now. (Apparently I got the better queue number even though I only logged in around 10.10 a.m., compared to the other person who was on their phone while out doing stuff). Despite almost a million people in the virtual queue. WTF. 
  • Speaking of sold out gigs, Taylor Swift's nights in Singapore also sold out pretty quickly; not just the initially announced 3 nights, but they also announced an additional 3 nights, which I'm sure probably sold out by now as I type this cos not keeping track. 
  • Magnum P.I. finally got cancelled, but NBC still gonna put out the rest of the 5th season episodes? I'm guessing it might have something to do with the ongoing WGA strike. There's also a bunch of recently announced shows that's not progressing, so... 
  • PJ's city status celebration was on Tuesday. Managed to grab a free soursop plant from the landscaping office... least I hope it's a soursop plant. 
  • Another weekend, another free succulent, this time from Uniqlo. I'm sure a lot of people missed the part where they had to use the app to scan a short list of items before they can redeem said plant, and not just show the app just cos.  
  • Caught Rizal van Geyzel's latest hour, Arrested!, in PJ Live Arts, a place I didn't think I get to go back to again. 

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